đź’Ž jekyll + chatgpt
I’ve been learning more Jekyll-related things like Ruby, some new Markdown tricks, and the web trio to make a nicer site. ChatGPT has been really helpful in moving towards a working understanding of how I can edit the template that I’m using (al-folio). It takes a fair amount of time to engineer prompts, but it helps that I know generally what the code I want should perform.
Code Blocks
For example, I wanted to edit the way that code blocks were rendered in my recent blog post. One thing led to another and I ended up trying to render codeblocks straight from files in my /assets/
folder instead of adding the code to the .md
file. This way, if I needed to update the code (in this case, .json
configuration files), I could upload an update to my site folder via a git commit.
This was achieved by some Ruby code that ChatGPT generated that rendered the contents of the file within the correct HTML tags, generating the code block with a Liquid template called code_block.html
Gist Code Blocks
After a couple of hours of co-engineering 🤔, I ended up deciding to host the file on Gist, and prompting ChatGPT to edit the code, which it “decided” to do by writing a Ruby plugin. Brilliant! A later iteration added an error fallback in the event that I was being rate-limited by GitHub’s API.
module Jekyll
class GistTag < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tag_name, input, tokens)
@gist_id = input.strip
def render(context)
uri = URI("https://api.github.com/gists/#{@gist_id}")
response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
if response.include?("API rate limit exceeded")
return "`Error: API rate-limited by GitHub, follow link instead`"
json = JSON.parse(response)
# Extract the first file from the gist
filename, file = json['files'].first
# Capture the file contents as a string
captured = Liquid::Template.parse("{% capture gist_content %}#{file['content']}{% endcapture %}").render(context)
# Build the code block with the captured contents and custom data attribute
code_block = Liquid::Template.parse("{% highlight #{file['language']} %}{{ gist_content }}{% endhighlight %}").render(context)
# Wrap the code block in a div with the correct classes and custom data attribute
code_block = "<div class='language-#{file['language'].downcase} highlighter-rouge' data-gist-url='https://gist.github.com/#{json['owner']['login']}/#{@gist_id}'>#{code_block}</div>"
# Return the generated code block
Liquid::Template.register_tag('gist', Jekyll::GistTag)
This allows me to add the following tag to my .md
{% gist 3b7b257b535b3dd6fa7b53ad7e453ed0 %}
and have it render in a native Jekyll codeblock, using rouge
and highlight
Link to Gist button
Additionally, I prompted ChatGPT to create a button in the top right hand corner of Gist codeblocks that links to their page, in the same style as the copy to clipboard button:
var gistUrl = codeBlock.closest('div').dataset.gistUrl;
if (gistUrl) {
var githubButton = document.createElement('button');
githubButton.className = 'github';
githubButton.type = 'button';
githubButton.ariaLabel = 'View Gist on GitHub';
githubButton.innerHTML = '<i class="fab fa-github"></i>';
// open GitHub link to view Gist
githubButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
window.open(gistUrl, '_blank');
Advantages compared to GistID.js
I think this suits the styling of the website more than the native GistID.js
codeblock, which is provided by sourcing https://gist.github.com/<githubUser>/<gistID>.js
for example. The jekyll-gist
plugin provides a Liquid tag that does this for you when calling {% gist <gistID> %}
. It looks like this:
I like the border, line numbers, and file name so I might implement that. But overall, the styling from rouge
is nicer, the functionality of the copy to clipboard button is brilliant, and overall it relies on less JavaScript I believe.
I might add some snippets here and there to future blog posts about Jekyll, but for the moment, I hope this shows the power of ChatGPT in playing with libraries and languages you’re not to familiar with.